Marketing Campaign Marketing Proposal Strategy

Shifting Tides of Digital Campaigns

Times are changing and the types of digital medium are changing with it too. How do we ride the wave to a successful integrated marketing campaign? Read on to find out how.

7 steps to a successful integrated marketing campaign

Step 1: Clear understanding of your target audience

By now you should have identified your target audience for your product/brand. Next is to find out what your target audience is motivated by.

Yes, you have done your research on what your target audience like and what motivates them, but when was the last time you did a check on the relevancy of that result? Times are changing, so are the preferences of your audience. A regular research and survey on your audience/market is crucial to ensuring that your campaigns remain relevant.

Step 2: Picking a channel

Selecting the right channel is the next step. Different mediums reach out to different group of people. For example, if your product is targeted at teenagers aged 15 to 19, ads placed on LinkedIn and Facebook will never reach them because they are not present on these channels.

Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each channel is as important as choosing the right channel. For example, ads on TikTok should be short, sweet and impactful right from the second the ad starts playing. Due to the usage patterns on TikTok, users tend to swipe away videos that do not catch their attention straight from the start. However a compelling 5min video on Facebook might keep the typical user on Facebook wanting to know more about your brand.

Step 3: Consistent look

Having a consistent feel and look to the visuals of campaigns and social media content will build a strong brand identity. Things like company logo, colour palettes, typography, imagery styles and composition styles form the baseline of your brand’s visual identity.

This is Headspace, a meditation app. They have done an excellent job in creating a strong visual identity by keeping the visuals consistent throughout their website as well as their Instagram page.

Step 4: Clear and consistent content that can be repurposed

Now that you have got your consistent visuals and content, make full use of that content that you have created! Created a video and uploaded it onto your Youtube channel? Get it linked up on your Facebook page, Tweet about it and post a link on your Instagram story. Let your content be seen, heard and shared by your followers.

Another way to repurpose content is by taking an older content (make sure that it is still relevant) and repurpose it into another form of media. Here’s an example repurposing:

Jay Baer: Short Videos into Multiple Content Pieces

Jay Baer, founder of Convince and Convert, creates three-minute informative videos on a range of topics. To maximise the potential and reach of the videos, the company repurposes his videos into several formats and content pieces to publish on his site. These include:

  • iTunes audio podcasts
  • Blog content for the Convince and Convert website
  • Blog content for the Jay Today website
  • LinkedIn Pulse posts
  • Posts on Medium
  • Promotions through various social channels

Step 5: Integrated messaging

Jeremiah Wong


Address: Shamelessly advertising himself Ave

Tel: 8123 4567

Contact Me Here:

Give your customers several avenues to contact you. When there is an issue with the product, people want to complain it to the business and be heard. If they cannot reach the business, they will take it to the public and start complaining about your business. That will lead to a public relations problem. One or two might not be much, but if there are 100 people talking negatively about your brand, that’s going to leave a mark. Which leads us to the next step.

Step 6: Keeping the Marketing & PR teams in sync

Leaving a way for customers to contact you will prevent a public relation issue. However, both marketing and PR have to work in sync to ensure that the messages sent out to the public is consistent. This is to ensure that the brand standard is kept the same throughout the campaign.

As many companies hire an external marketing agency to create and manage marketing campaigns, it is important that both the PR team and external marketing agency are on the same page.

Step 7: Track your campaign results!

It is crucial to know where you did good or bad. Especially if you are running a digital campaign to boost in-store sales, tracking the analytics of the usage of coupons will give you an insight of which campaign is giving you the best return on investments.

2 replies on “Shifting Tides of Digital Campaigns”

Hey Jeremiah! This was an insightful post on creating a successful IMC plan. Loved the example you gave on Jay Baer too by the way. A question regarding Step 5 where you discussed about the importance of leaving ways for customers to contact you (feedback, complaints, etc), what are some effective Digital Strategies you’d suggest in handling unsatisfactory customers and ultimately leaving a good impression (Public Relation)? Thank you!


Hi Saywee! Making sure that your customers know that their feedbacks and complaints have been heard and taken into consideration is the first step. Next, if there is an unsatisfactory complaint about your product, it is crucial to attend to it ASAP and compensate them if possible. Overcompensating will be a good way to satisfy those unsatisfied customers, who doesn’t love free stuff! Throw in a considerable amount of freebies if its within the company’s budget and the customers will forgive the mistakes made.


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